to an enchanted interlude

Experience a Parisian getaway in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, where every minute is lived to the fullest.

Whether for a weekend, a business trip, or a surprise stay, enjoy our attentive service that makes all the difference.

Hôtel Montalembert

Christmas shopping

Experience the magic of Paris in December with our "Christmas Shopping" offer and enjoy an enchanting weekend in the heart of the French capital. The charm of our Parisian hotel blends perfectly with the festive atmosphere that lights up the city, creating the perfect setting for your Christmas shopping.

15% off your stay
Early check-in or late check-out, subject to availability
Complimentary glasses of Champagne upon arrival
Free and unlimited Wi-Fi access
Buffet breakfast included (room service additional cost)

*Valid every weekend (Friday to Monday) from November 29 to December 28.
*Subject to availability, minimum stay of 2 nights.

Hôtel Montalembert

parisian getaway

20% off
A minimum stay of 3 nights
Complimentary breakfast (Room Service at an extra cost)
Early check-in or late check-out based on availability
Special welcome upon arrival
Free and unlimited Wi-Fi access

Hôtel Montalembert

short stay

15% off
A minimum stay of 2 nights
Complimentary breakfast (Room Service at an extra cost)
Early check-in or late check-out based on availability
Special welcome upon arrival
Free and unlimited Wi-Fi access

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